Detailed Information Links:
Speedball | Woods | Target Range

Our Targer Shooting, Sighting, and Chronographing Area. This area includes our 14 foot by 20 foot wall of over 35 targets to shoot at, along with a covered Sighting Area with a large shelved area to set your gun/marker on while working on or sighting your equipment. This area has a solid roof to provide shade for those warmer days, and a dry area for when its raining. This area is also where we chronograph your gun/marker (test the speed for safety).

Covered Sighting Area

14' x 20' Target Range

Overhead View


Upgrade Started March 6th, 2025
( This field is now 49,550 Sq.Ft. )
We have added approx. 3500 sq.ft. to this area. It will be used to build the new fort shown on the map below. Unfortulatly this will be a slow process since upgrades are dependent on the number of players we get and sales from our store. There are Three(3) Steps. Step 1. Physical expansion of this field - DONE. Step 2. Addition of the fort support poles. Step 3. Addition of the fort wall panels.