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Who We Are & What We Do
1. We operate a Paintball Field. ♦ Here you can play the game of Paintball Safely & Legally. We run games Saturdays & Sundays all year in any weather. We are closed some Major Holidays. We are close on Christmas, Christmas Eve, and Thanksgiving Day. 2. We operate a Paintball Store. ♦ We carry a large selection of Paintball Equipment & Supplies. Our store is open Wednesday - Friday (10am-6pm), Saturday (10am-8pm), and Sunday (11am-6pm). ♦ We fill Co2 Tanks. Co2 Tanks must be retested every 5 years. All Co2 tanks require a Complete & Readable Warning Label (DOT Regulations) for us to fill them. The Warning Label can not have any stickers, tape, paint or other labels covering any part of it.
♦ We fill HPA(High Pressure Air) Tanks. Every HPA Tank must be retested every 3-5 years. For us to fill these tanks, they can not have any stickers, tape, paint or other labels covering any part of it. If your tank is any type of Fiber Coated tank, it can not have any scratches, dings, dents, etc on it. We can not fill it until it has been re-coated from the factory.
♦ We also do Repairs on most Paintball Markers. Most repairs require that you leave the marker overnight. We do not do repairs on Saturdays or Sundays while we are open. Our main concern is running games on weekends.
3. We are Field Paint Only. ♦ For the purpose of Safety, Washability, & paying our bills, we require that all paintballs used on our field be bought from us and not be over 3 months old. ♦ Old paintballs (3 months+) can harden & can cause injury (even when sealed in air tight bags).
How We Operate
-- Paintball Games --
( Saturday & Sunday Only )
1. We are open, Rain or Shine, All Year, except some Major Holidays. We are close on Christmas, Christmas Eve, and Thanksgiving Day. ♦ We run games in any weather, except HAIL Storms. We also run a Paintball Equipment Store at the same location.
2. We begin Player Sign-In. ♦ As players come to our sign-in counter, we sign them in for the day. This is how we track how many players we have and what markers are being used so we can set up the teams as fairly as possible. ♦ This process continues until we have all the customers interested in playing registered. This process, depending on how many players arrive when we first open, can take from a few minutes to over an hour. We try to get as many players signed in as possible at first to cut down on the number of Safety Briefings we need. The more Briefings there are, the more delay between later games. It is best, if possible, to get to our field as early as possible to get in the first briefing. However, we do as many Safety Briefings as needed for players arriving later in the day.
3. We start Chronographing. ♦ This is the process of checking the speed of players markers so they are within our safety limit of 270 FPS (feet per second). The chronograph is taken to the Chronographing Area usually within minutes of starting sign-in. ♦ Chronographing is done until our initial sign-in is completed, or anytime we have more players show up.
4. We start our Safety Briefing. ♦ This is when we describe to all the players about Goggle & General Safety, cover the more important rules about play and describe how the Paintball Markers operate. If we have any NEW players, we always do a Safety Briefing before our first games. If there are not any NEW players, we do not.
5. We start Games. ♦ The Referees will call each team by their color (orange or blue). Once that team has assembled, the referees escort that team into the field, to the flag station that team requests. The second team is called and the process repeats. The teams (orange or blue) are rotated each game from the far end of the field to the near end so each team can see the fields from each end.
6. The Game Ends. ♦ From when players first start getting eliminated from the game, we do cleanup for them if needed. This includes cleaning goggles, markers, & barrels. Once a player is eliminated or the game ends, if they need any cleaning, they should proceed immediately to the store to cut down on delays. ♦ The only delay we have between games is getting the players ready for the next game, unless the players ask for a 'break'. If there are several new players signing in, there may be some additional delay for the sign-in and briefing. We ask that all players already registered be patient during this time so we can get the new players into games as soon as possible.
7. At the End Of Day or Players Finished. ♦ When any player is done, and does not want to play any more games, they come back to our sign-in counter to let us know they are done. We sign them out and collect any field equipment they have. All players will have something to turn in. At the very least their Arm Band. Having all your equipment, and your 'Membership Card' handy makes signout much faster.
First Visit Procedures
-- Paintball Games --
1. New Player / Liability Forms ♦ This would be '2' on the store map below. This is where you will find the forms you will need if you are a new player to our field. You should read the Rules, Games, & fill out our Liability Release Form. ♦ All new players are required to fill out a Liability Release Form. If the player is under the age of 18, a parent or legal guardian must also be present to sign the form. This form is only required the First Time you play at our field as long as you bring your Membership Card with you on future visits. The minimum Player age allowed is Ten(10) Years Old. ♦ If you need our Liability Release Form in advance, you can stop by our store and pick up as many copies as you need, we can EMAIL you a copy, and you can make as many copies as you need, or Click on the Download Liability Form button. Copies must be clear, legible, and on One Page.
2. Sign-In ♦ This would be '3' on the store map below. Here you will be issued a Membership Card (required each time you return to play). You will also be asked which Rental Package(Click here for prices) you require or if you are using Your Own Marker(Click here for prices). ♦ After your Sign-In is complete you will pay for whatever fees are due. 3. Chronographing (Personal Markers Only) ♦ This is the process of checking the speed of players markers so they are within our safety limit of 270 FPS (feet per second). If you are using your own Paintball Marker, you should prepare your marker for test shooting and take it and your Chronographing Slip (orange color) to our Chronographing Area as soon as possible. Please check our Personal Marker Restrictions first to be sure your marker is allowed on our field. ♦ You Can Not Join Games until your personal marker is chronographed. 4. Safety Briefing. ♦ This is when we describe to all the players about Goggle & General Safety, cover the more important rules about play and describe how the Paintball Markers operate. 5. Join Games ♦ After you have received your Safety Briefing, you can join in the next game that we run. The referees will call each team individually before each game so that team can be escorted into the field. 6. End Of Day - Sign Out ♦ When you are done for the day, you should take any equipment you rented, if any, to our Sign-In Counter with your Membership Card so we can sign you out for the day. If you rented any Camouflage Clothing (BDU's), please change first before signing out so we can collect them at that time. ♦ All players whether renting or not, are required to sign out. Every player will have something to sign in (Arm Band). Players signing out is also the only way we can keep the teams equal as far as the number of players on each team.
Store Map & Descriptions
1. DOOR - Enter / Exit our store. 2. PAINTBALL NEW PLAYER FORMS - New players should get one of these clipboards, read the rules, games, & fill out the Liability Release Form. Players under 18 years old will require a Parents Signature. The form is only required once as long as you bring your Membership Card back next time you want to play. 3. SIGN-IN/OUT COUNTER - Go to this counter to Sign-In, Sign-Out, get your equipment cleaned, get Tanks filled, or purchase snacks/drinks. 4. SALES COUNTER - If you are interested in checking out our selection of Paintball Markers & Accessories, or to purchase any of the same, this is the area you want. 5. RENTAL BDU's - If you want to rent a camouflage shirt or pants, this is the rack they are on. Feel free to select your BDU's prior to signing in if you want. We have a 'changing room'(7) to the left of our refrigerator. 6. SNACKS & DRINKS AREA - Here is where you can get a snack between games. There are drinks, chips, and candy in this area. 7. CHANGING ROOM - If you need a place to change clothes, or need a mirror to see those great hits, this is the place. 8. REFRIGERATOR / SNACKS - We have a Large Selection of drinks here. There is also a large selection of chips, and other snacks 9. MICROWAVE OVENS - If you need to heat anything, we have Two Microwave Ovens for your use at any time. 10. USED MARKERS - If you are interested in seeing any Used Paintball Markers we have, they are located on this wall. The markers located here are the property of the owners. The owners set the price, we do not. Marker sales are CASH ONLY, and sold AS IS. We do not buy used markers. The markers are locked to the wall. Please do not try to remove them.